Aleta borrud
My state of Minnesota must have the resources to address significant needs for affordable housing, healthcare, childcare and to raise the wages for elder, disability, and home care providers. Smaller communities are struggling to pay for shared needs such as first responders, public safety, government and public schools. When the wealthiest individuals and corporations fail to pay their fair share of services that have helped to create their wealth, it falls on middle income earners and those paying property taxes to support such services. Our communities will be healthier, safer, and more vibrant if our state has the revenue to invest in the services people need. Finally, the dollars spent on goods and services provided by Main Street businesses generally stay in our communities, maintaining the vitality of our rural and smaller communities.
As someone who has worked on both healthcare and farming issues, I have seen first hand what consolidation means. In healthcare, it means the loss of clinics and hospitals across our rural landscape, increasing the risk for poor outcomes for rural people. In farming, it means the loss of family farms, especially in animal agriculture, due to the control over milk hauling and meat processing. That has resulted in the emptying out of our smaller towns, with loss of Main Street businesses as well as absentee landowners who are indifferent to the pollution caused by massive manure lagoons or excess application of herbicides and pesticides. We saw directly the implication of this during the early stages of the COVID pandemic, when thousands of hogs were needlessly destroyed due to lack of meat processing capacity due to closures of local processors and consolidation in the industry. This directly impacts our food security.
The failure to fully fund the Office of the AG represents corporate influence in our legislature that opposes any effort to curb the power of corporations. We could see this in the efforts of our prior AG to prevent for-profit health insurance corporations from operating in Minnesota and to prevent the transfer of reserves held by "non-profit" insurers to their for-profit entities. Concessions were made on both these accounts to the detriment of people who do not benefit from truly affordable health insurance on the marketplace. If we are to save our land and water from the kind of pollution caused by industrial animal operations as in Iowa, we must provide the AG's office with the resources to enforce antitrust laws.
In my new district I have found that there are only 2 grocery stores in all of Dodge County due to the consolidation in agriculture. Many businesses closed during the COVID pandemic, leaving large areas of the county without any services. Yet low housing costs would make the area attractive for families. Start up grants and loan programs for businesses in economically depressed areas targeting general and grocery stores, childcare services, value added food processing, and restaurants might provide anchors for the rehabilitation of our rural communities and give emerging entrepreneurs a start. However, to make this a financial reality, we need a public option or universal health insurance.
I supported the proposal made in the Minnesota House this last session to cap childcare costs at 7% of a family's income. I have lobbied to maintain CCAP and end the cap on enrollment. However, to make childcare readily accessible to all who need it, we must increase the CCAP reimbursement rates to at least the federally recommended 75% of median costs if we are to retain childcare providers.
We must have universal policies that put Main Street businesses on an equal footing with large corporate entities to ensure they can recruit and retain the best employees. Our small businesses have greater loyalty to their employees but must bear disproportionate losses to help staff manage emergencies. I have been a vocal supporter of PFML.
As a physician, I have been a supporter of a universal health insurance system not run by corporate insurers for decades. As a member of Land Stewardship Project I have lobbied (alongside MSA) for expansion of the MNCare program for all small businesses but fully support going farther towards a universal health insurance program and am a member of HCAM.
Demographics show that growth in Minnesota's workforce in the future is increasingly going to be among New Americans and communities of color. We will need businesses and services that respond to the preferences of these consumers in order to build wealth and economic security in these communities. Facilitating the potential for building wealth through entrepreneurship among all Minnesotans will be an important basis for our state's future economic growth.
The MN Council on Economic Expansion proposes to fund 50-100 client-facing navigator positions across the state in partnership with Community-based organizations. I am finding that for entrepreneurs from marginalized communities, especially Latinx, that they lack access to mentors and advisors, let alone capital. Yet this is where we need to grow our new small businesses, especially microbusinesses. We need the legislature to be willing to fund trusted navigators based within communities to help grow businesses that then become anchors for further economic growth.
The economy continues to move past brick and mortar and the internet favors larger businesses and geographies with adequate internet speeds. Thus getting all geographies connected to high speed internet is essential. Small business needs to be able to compete in the virtual realm with collaborative platforms that could allow for marketing and promotion. In the non-profit realm, companies are exploring shared operating infrastructure. Our rural spaces are desperate for venues that can recreate community. Perhaps micro businesses can utilize shared space within vacant properties and CEDA's can serve to promote community enterprises. In underserved areas that need economic investment, start up grants should be targeted that fulfill community needs, such as childcare or food access.
I am a geriatrician who has worked for universal healthcare for 35 years. I am dedicated to the revitalization of our rural spaces and reconstruction of Main Street businesses that can bring life back to areas that have been depopulated due to consolidation in healthcare, agriculture, and due to big box stores. I have worked for years for increased investment in our childcare system, for full funding of public education, canvassed for increased taxes on the wealthiest Minnesotans and corporations and for PFML. In addition, I have a deep commitment to racial equity and understand that Minnesota's future rests on ensuring that we work to end the disparities in educational outcomes and wealth acquisition that hold back our New American and BIPOC communities.