

MSA champions the voices of small business owners to create a thriving economy. We cultivate a network of entrepreneurs, connecting them with resources to build sustainable enterprises. Our membership drives state and federal policymaking that gives a fair shot to small businesses and strengthens communities nationwide.


We envision an America where small business owners thrive, free from the stranglehold of corporate giants. This vision includes an inclusive business landscape powered by an informed coalition of entrepreneurs, where Main Street drives policymaking to restore competitiveness to the marketplace. In this America, the voices of the smallest businesses—from sole proprietors to growing enterprises—are uplifted in the reshaping of our economy. The future for small businesses is brighter, undimmed by regressive tax policy, poor capital access, a patchwork care economy, and a worsening climate crisis. We strive for a reality where the stakes of inaction are clear, motivating local entrepreneurs to work with lawmakers to champion Main Street values.


If you want to build people-power, start by listening to People. It is a value we have modeled at MSA since our founding in 2006, when small business owners in Maine, Washington, Oregon, and a few other states united to advocate for healthcare reform. The campaign shed light on the power of small business organizing and the need for Main Street voices in policy discussions.

  • In 2008, MSA brought multiple healthcare advocacy cohorts under one roof—aligning the efforts of the Maine People’s Alliance, the Alliance for a Just Society, and Health Care for America Now (HCAN) to drive the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—one of our most significant victories to date. 

    We leveraged the momentum from that movement to galvanize our small business coalition in the wake of the financial crisis. Pioneering our dynamic and responsive approach to power-building, we began supporting small business organizing through an expansive sub-granting program. During that period, we also grew our network of state-level organizers and began hosting house meetings and messaging seminars with engaged entrepreneurs across the country.

    In 2020, our coalition helped pass the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan Act, as our members pressured lawmakers to support the thousands of small business owners that were struggling to survive at the height of the pandemic. That advocacy push helped us evolve into a membership organization, which has enabled us to distill our organizing resources, coordinate advocacy more effectively, and leverage member feedback to refine our efforts. 

    In states across the country, MSA worked hard to ensure that the American Rescue Plan and CARES act were implemented effectively. In Wisconsin, for example, MSA lobbied the state legislature and the Governor’s office during the COVID-19 pandemic to support local entrepreneurs. The push resulted in $1.3 billion dollars being spent directly on small business support, which was the highest investment per capita of any state in
    the country.

    In 2023, our alliance won statewide paid leave in Minnesota, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to advocating for policies that benefit small business owners and their employees.

    Today, MSA drives a hybrid organizing model that combines digital advocacy, federal policy-shaping, and targeted state-level campaigns. The collective wisdom of ordinary citizens still prevails, as we work to unite small business owners and elected leaders that are committed to building a more dynamic economy.


MSA brings 16+ years of organizing expertise to our active campaigns—and hundreds of lessons learned. Our members have taught us that successful campaigns combine research-backed legislation with activated coalitions and engaged elected officials. This understanding undergirds our advocacy efforts and helps MSA determine how we can best support our small business owners’ policy pushes.

Our strategy leverages state-level campaigns to build momentum towards sweeping federal legislation—recognizing states as the “laboratories of democracy” that drive economic progress. Recognizing the role that social media plays in today’s coalition-building efforts, we also serve as a communications lab that uses digital advocacy to bring more small business owners into resonance with our mission.

Inclusive Organizing

At the heart of MSA’s organizing is a commitment to meaningful engagement: our approach to community building which recognizes that everyone brings unique wisdom and expertise to our coalition. The lived experiences of our small business members informs our organizing and galvanizes our network. MSA members know that they can depend on our community of practice for kinship—in addition to best-practice sharing and
targeted advocacy.

Moreover, our national small business advocacy network is unwaveringly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion because we recognize the historical injustices that have systematically denied marginalized communities access to entrepreneurial capital. These communities have faced significant barriers in obtaining the financial resources and opportunities necessary to start and grow their businesses. By fostering an inclusive environment that champions diverse voices, we aim to rectify these disparities and ensure that all entrepreneurs—regardless of their background—have equitable access to the support and capital they need. This commitment is not only a moral imperative but also essential for fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and building a more just and prosperous society. Our dedication to these principles empowers underrepresented entrepreneurs, promotes economic resilience, and helps to create a vibrant and inclusive business landscape for all.



