Main Street Alliance

A fair shot
for Main Street

Since the 1970s, Small business formation is down 50%.

From bustling cities to rural townships, small businesses
play a vital role in the strengthening of our communities.
Entrepreneurs shape equitable community development and give neighborhoods their charm and character. But corporate consolidation is making it harder for Main Street to compete.

Affordable Care Act. American Rescue Plan Act. Paid Leave. Our diverse coalition of entrepreneurs shaped those laws by raising their voices for Main Street. And our small business owners still have more to say.

We power
Small business movements.

Our Approach

MSA champions the voice of small business owners to create a thriving economy.
We drive campaigns—at the state and federal level—that leverage research and inclusive power-building to shape legislation that gives local entrepreneurs a fair shot.

Our portfolio of campaigns focused on revitalizing local economies through antitrust enforcement and fairer tax policy.

Our coalition-driven campaign to connect the dots between business sustainability and a stronger care economy.

Our education vertical connects entrepreneurs with the resources to access capital and contend with advances in AI and green technology.

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