Our Work


  • 30K Members Nationwide

  • Over 1K Hours engaging elected officials

  • Legislation passed impacting 33 million small businesses

At Main Street Alliance, we understand that protecting the vibrancy of our economy means listening to small business owners and helping them drive pro-Main Street policies that bring competition back to our markets. Through meaningful engagement and research-backed advocacy, we are building a coalition of citizens and elected leaders committed to giving entrepreneurs a fair shot at success.

  • When small businesses are given a fair shot, our communities thrive. Vibrant Main Streets create meaningful employment and prosperity, but declining antitrust enforcement has enabled corporations to grow too large—tilting the playing field to the advantage of monopolies. To bring dynamism back to markets and ensure Main Streets are not hollowed out by large enterprises, MSA Thrive powers state-level and federal advocacy focused on antitrust enforcement, fair tax policy and capital access for entrepreneurs—key drivers of equity in local economies.

  • High Road Employers understand that healthy employees drive sustainable enterprises. Paid leave and affordable healthcare and childcare help reduce employee turnover for small business owners. However, our patchwork care economy leaves many local enterprises struggling with employee churn and escalating operating costs. MSA Cares includes state and federal campaigns designed to strengthen the care economy, restore the dignity of all work, and ensure small businesses stay competitive.

  • Main Street is always changing and growing to meet the needs of local economies, and entrepreneurs need educational resources to stay competitive in that dynamic landscape. From embracing clean energy to contending with AI technological advancements, MSA Futures connects small business owners with the information they need to power sustainable enterprises. This campaign portfolio also focuses on  powerbuilding and advocacy within the creator economy—one of the fastest growing segments of the small business ecosystem.

Main Street Agenda 2025

We are proud to share Our Main Street Agenda 2025—developed in partnership with our members across the country. The following is a blueprint for what policies the United States federal government and state governments across the country should pursue to achieve the promise of the American Dream for entrepreneurs, their staff and communities.   

Getting up to Speed

Stay informed and engaged with the latest policy developments that directly impact your small business. At Main Street Alliance, we believe that knowledge is power, and our Getting Up to Speed sessions provide a platform for you to dive deep into the issues that matter most to your business.

Small Business is On the Ballot with Special Guests

According to public polling, small business owners are among their communities' most trusted members. That's why engaging your elected officials is incredibly important before they are in office. Join Main Street Alliance for an important briefing on the potential impact the 2024 election will have on small business issues and ways you can engage candidates running for office to get them on the record on the issues that matter to you, such as healthcare, childcare, capital access, paid family & medical leave, corporate concentration, tax fairness, and retirement security. We will provide tools and resources to ensure that candidates for office are focused on Main Street. We're thrilled to be joined by MSA leaders Rep. Francesca Hong of Madison, WI, and Mayor Williams of Durham, NC.

August 26, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET