Main Street Alliance Applauds Landmark Antitrust Ruling Against Google

Judge's Decision a Major Victory for Small Business Owners and a More Competitive Marketplace

Washington, DC – The Main Street Alliance (MSA), a national network of small business owners advocating for inclusive economic policies, welcomes the recent ruling by Judge Amit Mehta, declaring Google a monopolist in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. This landmark decision is a significant win for small business owners across the nation, ensuring a fairer and more competitive digital marketplace.

Judge Mehta's ruling in the case of United States of America vs. Google LLC found that Google has unlawfully maintained its monopoly by excluding rivals from the general search engine market. This exclusionary conduct has stifled competition, raised prices for advertisers, and deprived consumers of potential higher-quality search alternatives.

A Win for Small Business Owners

The Main Street Alliance has long championed fair competition and equitable access to resources for small businesses. The ruling against Google aligns with MSA's mission to combat corporate consolidation and advocate for policies that level the playing field for small businesses.

"This decision is a monumental step towards restoring fairness in the marketplace," said Richard Trent, Executive Director of the Main Street Alliance. "For too long, small businesses have struggled against the overwhelming dominance of corporate giants like Google. This ruling not only recognizes the anti-competitive practices that have disadvantaged small businesses but also sets a precedent for stronger enforcement of antitrust laws."

Empowering Entrepreneurs

Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, fostering innovation, creating jobs, and strengthening communities. However, the monopolistic practices of companies like Google have hindered the growth and success of countless entrepreneurs. By paying billions to secure default search engine status on popular devices, Google effectively prevented competitors from gaining a foothold, thereby limiting consumer choice and stifling innovation.

Traditionally, Main Street has been synonymous with brick-and-mortar businesses, but this ruling highlights the growing importance of online entrepreneurs who also deserve protection from monopolistic overreach. Ensuring a level playing field in the digital marketplace is essential for the success of all small business owners, whether they operate physical stores or online enterprises.

Next Steps and Broader Implications

As the case moves into the remedy phase, the Main Street Alliance urges the court to implement measures that will effectively dismantle Google's monopoly and promote competition. Potential remedies include ending exclusive dealing contracts, breaking up Google's various business segments, or requiring the company to share data with competitors.

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About Main Street Alliance

The Main Street Alliance champions the voices of small business owners to create a thriving economy. We cultivate a network of entrepreneurs, connecting them with resources to build sustainable enterprises. Our membership drives state and federal policymaking that gives a fair shot to small businesses and strengthens communities nationwide. Through meaningful engagement and research-backed advocacy, we are building a coalition of citizens and elected leaders committed to giving entrepreneurs a fair shot at success.


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