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NEW Report Finds Forced Arbitration Hurts Workers and Small Businesses

May 26, 2021

A new report by the Main Street Alliance shows how small businesses suffer when large corporations take advantage of lax enforcement of labor laws and the use of forced arbitration to keep employees from asserting their rights. The report, titled Small Business, Common Sense Standards and Forced Arbitration, also recommends that states enact whistleblower protection laws.

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Main Street Alliance Web Main Street Alliance Web

Small Biz Applaud Senate Introduction of For the People Act (S.1)

“The Senate has taken the next important step in supporting our democracy, and must move swiftly to pass them. The democracy reforms in the For the People Act are necessary to make real progress on issues that small businesses care about, from health care to racial justice. Small donor matching, modeled after successful systems in cities and states across the country, will reduce the influence of special interests and empower regular Americans to have a meaningful voice in their democracy. What’s more, small donor financing is fully paid for by penalties levied on corporate lawbreakers and wealthy tax cheats - the same powerful interests who have used their lobbying to get around paying their fair share for decades.

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Main Street Alliance Web Main Street Alliance Web

There must be accountability

Small Businesses Demand a Restoration of Democracy

On the attack at the U.S. Capitol yesterday, Main Street Alliance Board Members and Executive Leadership had this to say:

Yesterday’s attack on the Capitol was incited by a president who refuses to accept that millions of us turned out to stand with and for each other and elect Joe Biden by overwhelming margins. This is what treason looks like: an unhinged president inciting riot by an angry mob of armed white vigilantes. The threat to our government and the assault on our democracy was abetted by Republican leaders whose complicity in this attack must carry consequences including removal from office. Every official responsible, from the president to Senators, House Members to state legislators, who fed, fueled and fomented these attacks must be held accountable.

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