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Main Street Alliance on the State of the Union

March 2, 2022

In reaction to President Biden’s State of the Union speech last night, Co-Executive Director of Main Street Alliance Chanda Causer had this to say:

“Last night, President Biden spoke directly to the American people about the progress of the last year in the face of deep challenges, as well as his optimism for the future. The Biden-Harris economic strategy is producing historic results, in large part due to the public investment of the American Rescue Plan. Entrepreneurship and business investment rebounded, and the economy achieved its fastest job growth in American history. Six million small businesses were supported, and over 5 million new ones were created. It's important to emphasize that this progress is occurring amidst an historic shift from the old, outdated trickle-down approach to one that centers workers, families, and what small businesses need - public investment.

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Main Street Alliance Reacts to the Build Back Better Framework

October 28, 2021

On the release of the White House framework for the Build Back Better plan today, Main Street Alliance Co-Executive Director Chanda Causer had this to say:

“Main Street Alliance supports progress on the framework for the Build Back Better plan as the final deal begins to take shape. In partnership, the Build Back Better Agenda and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will make critical investments we need to build our economy and rebuild our communities. The President’s legislative agenda will invest in our nation’s future and build an economy that rewards work, not wealth, by lowering costs for working people, supporting small businesses, and creating millions of new good-paying jobs.

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Small Businesses Celebrate SCOTUS Health Care Win, Look to Next Steps on a Priority Issue

June 17, 2021

On the Supreme Court Decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, Co-Executive Directors of Main Street Alliance Chanda Causer and Stephen Michael had this to say:

“Small businesses across the country are celebrating the Supreme Court decision to protect the health care of American families. The Affordable Care Act is the only thing standing between the 135 million people with pre-existing conditions and the insurance companies.

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On 11th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act, Small Businesses Celebrate Affordability Improvements Under the American Rescue Plan

March 23, 2021

“Small businesses are celebrating the significant achievements of the Affordable Care Act over the past 11 years, including the most recent affordability and access improvements under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) that passed in early March.

The landmark healthcare bill made historic changes that brought the number of uninsured people to record lows, including millions of small business owners, ended insurers’ common practice of denying or charging more for pre-existing conditions and improved quality of coverage by establishing standard essential health benefits required by all policies, including basic services like mental health, maternity, pediatric care and prescription coverage.

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