Small Biz applaud historic investment in care economy outlined in budget framework

August 12, 2021

On the heels of the Senate passing the budget resolution, as well as Vice President Kamal Harris meeting with business leaders on the importance of the care economy today, Co-Executive Directors of Main Street Alliance Chanda Causer and Stephen Michael had this to say:

“Small businesses applaud the historic investment in our care economy outlined in the budget resolution. It is time to invest in our care infrastructure. Small businesses are demanding these programs, like paid leave and child care, that will help ease the burden of high costs on working families and support entrepreneurs. It's past time to level this playing field. An investment in our overall care economy is an investment in small businesses, and our local community.”

The event and budget resolution come on the heels of over 500 small businesses adding their voices in support of critical investments in care infrastructure. Followed as well by a Main Street Alliance pop survey that points to 88% of members citing business challenges due to a lack of due to a lack of affordable child care and a paid leave program that covers small businesses.


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