Letter to the Editor: Advocating for Quality Child Care

By: Elretha Perkins

Perkins Professional Day Care has proudly served our community since October 1982. Our motto, "We care for children 365 days a year," reflects our unwavering commitment to providing comprehensive care at all times.

Over the past 43 years, I have instilled in the children under our care the importance of striving for excellence and reaching for the stars. It brings me great joy to see former students excel and positively impact our community. One notable example is a former student who now serves as both the District Attorney and a recently appointed judge for Rockingham County, a testament to our strong foundation.

As the Director and Owner of Perkins Professional Day Care, serving the community has been my life's work and a privilege. Every child deserves an equal opportunity for education. Parents and educators must collaborate for the well-being of our children. To ensure the highest quality of care and education, child care centers should establish focus groups that meet regularly with parents and students to discuss expectations. Additionally, each county should have a Child Care Association that facilitates effective communication with State Consultants. When issues arise within a center, all parties must address and resolve them promptly.

Unfortunately, quality child care is not readily available in many counties across the state. Instead, a pervasive "buddy system" often prioritizes personal connections over the needs of children, resulting in subpar care. We must advocate for change and prioritize the well-being of our children above all else.

I am proud to join Main Street Alliance and other small business owners in the fight for better child care resources. Together, we can work towards ensuring that all children have access to quality child care and educational opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances. 

Elretha Perkins
Director, Perkins Professional Day Care


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