I believe that giant corporations and the super-wealthy MUST pay their fair share of taxes. I believe that loopholes in the tax code should be closed in order for this to happen.
Our laws against monopolies (or duopolies) must be stronger. We have to prevent the giant corporate take-over of our economy. At the state level, we can do a lot, but we also need to pass the amendment to repeal Citizens United to keep the giant corporate money out of politics so that the politicians work for their constituents and not the corporations in their districts.
Having stronger anti-trust legislation is not enough; there must be enforcement and oversight and to do this, the department must be expanded.
I do not have any new ideas at this time. However, I am looking into insurance (for employees) cooperatives and things like this to help small businesses support one another and get some of the privileges of being "big".
Childcare costs across the board for everyone are too high. Subsidized childcare is necessary for a healthy economy. However, pushing companies to raise wages to a level where only one parent must work outside of the home is also something that we need to explore.
I believe that universal paid leave is essential for the health of families and businesses. Again, this is where a cooperative of small businesses may be able to provide benefits like a larger corporation.
No one should go bankrupt due to medical care
Banking/lending regulations must be rewritten for a more equitable process.
The state can provide grants and free (or low cost) training for new business owners who wish to expand their capital. We should encourage those who already work in those industries to become mentors to those starting businesses in their communities - maybe through business incentives of their own.
That's a tough one. I was appalled at the level of corruption of those "big" companies who applied for PPP loans that were meant for small businesses - also the lack of oversight by the federal government when awarding these loans.
The road ahead is long and the best way we can help those small businesses recover is by giving them some tax breaks and some financial support to keep getting through this recovery time.
I believe that I can fight for small business at the Capitol. I want healthy communities in my district and a strong "Main Street" in each of those communities is the key to not only bringing in tourism and commerce, but also to encourage folks to move into those communities. The communities with more to offer their citizens in variety of businesses and cultural options will have a healthier future.