Heather Gustafson

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • n/a

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • I would like to see obstacles to starting a business reduced and one year of free legal aid to new business owners.

  • Relief from unnecessary or redundant fees that often nickel and dime small business owners into failure or near-failure. I'd like to work with cities and counties to promote and encourage local business patronage. I'd also like to reduce taxes where it's appropriate and where we're able to.

  • As someone who has tried to start a business several times, I know how incredibly hard and overwhelming it can be. Without proper support or people to turn to with questions, it's almost impossible to success. Furthermore, when help is available it's not always accessible. Often there are long waits on the phone and delayed responses to emails. The state is short-staffed with available help and the legislature should work with cities and counties to provide support throughout Minnesota that is free, accessible, and inline with state requirements.




John Marty