Small Biz Applaud Senate Introduction of For the People Act (S.1)

On the Senate introduction of the critical democracy reform bill For the People Act (S. 1) today, Main Street Alliance Government Affairs Director Didier Trinh had this to say:

“The Senate has taken the next important step in supporting our democracy, and must move swiftly to pass them. The democracy reforms in the For the People Act are necessary to make real progress on issues that small businesses care about, from health care to racial justice. Small donor matching, modeled after successful systems in cities and states across the country, will reduce the influence of special interests and empower regular Americans to have a meaningful voice in their democracy. What’s more, small donor financing is fully paid for by penalties levied on corporate lawbreakers and wealthy tax cheats - the same powerful interests who have used their lobbying to get around paying their fair share for decades.

It’s critical that we sustain this momentum in the House and move swiftly to change. Since the 2020 election, 43 states have already introduced, prefiled, or carried more than 250 bills to restrict or limit voting access this year, intentionally aiming to drown out the voices of voters, particularly Black and brown voters, who voted in record numbers this past election cycle. Voter rights protection is the bedrock of democracy, and the For the People Act will ensure a political system that works for all Americans. 

We applaud Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Rules Committee Chairwoman Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), for their leadership in introducing S.1 and prioritizing the will of the people. It’s now time for the Senate to pass and sign into law these bold and common sense reforms to heal our country and build a more just, fair and inclusive democratic society. We need lasting, structural change to reassure small businesses that our democracy is healthy, so we can get to the business of resilient economic recovery. We won’t have one without the other.”


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