We need to level the playing field for small businesses.



Monopoly power is a top concern for Main Street Alliance members. Growing corporate concentration hurts the ability of small businesses to compete and grow, drives economic and racial inequality, and undermines democracy. 

We support federal and state legislation that advances the following principles:

  • Recognizes that dominant corporations impede fair competition to the detriment of small businesses, workers, consumers, and communities across the country and in a growing number of industries

  • Protects small businesses from Big Tech’s control of price-setting, rigged search functions, misuse of small business data and information, improper customer steering, and self-dealing

  • Addresses economic and racial inequality compounded by corporate concentration

  • Puts power in the hands of small businesses and other consumers to fully use and repair products they’ve purchased 

  • Gives small businesses the ability to move and use the data that they generate about their businesses

  • Boosts the talent pool for small businesses by allowing workers to leave employment at dominant corporations and seek employment elsewhere, including small businesses

  • Gives small business owners the ability to enforce antitrust protection in the courts

  • Stops mega-mergers, requiring dominant corporations to make a case for why they should be allowed to grow even bigger and more powerful

  • Gives federal and state regulators the enforcement tools to rein in dominant corporations – including the power to unwind mergers and break up monopolies

Take Action: Email Your Rep >

Thank you for lifting your voice! Please be sure to introduce yourself and share why you believe in the passage strong antitust legislation for your small business. When you are done, please share with your community to get them to do the same!

Tell us how your small businesses is being impacted by corporate consolidation, corporations who don’t pay their taxes, or other ways you’re seeing corporate encroachment on your business.

Share Your Story >

  • Has your business been affected by concentrated corporate power and the market dominance of giants like Amazon, including relationships with a supplier, vendor, or distributor?If yes, how?

  • Has your business been hurt by large corporations getting bigger or receiving favored treatment (like box stores) during the pandemic?

  • Are gig economy platforms like Door Dash or Instacart hurting your business?

  • How has this affected your ability to employ others and the terms of that employment?

  • What have you done to try to compete in the face of monopoly practices, and how successful has that been?